
Has your lawn been mowed?

This is not a metaphor. This is not something you should ask yourself before you pursue a creative endeavor. This is not the title of my new book. This is not code. This is not ironic. This is not a dirty joke. This is not the next big thing. This is not the name of a band. This is not the start of the revolution. This is not relevant to many people. This is not the tipping point. This is not art. This is not the end of the world as we know it. This is not a lyric from a song. This is not fake. This is not an underground campaign for a major brand trying to establish street credibility. This does not rhyme. This is not an internet meme. This is not an inside joke. This is not the mantra of a secret cult. This is not the tip of the iceberg. This is not the start of something big.

It is just a question a signboard asked me this morning. Feel free to answer honestly.

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